I didn't write about last week's episode because it was honestly pretty forgettable, but I have things to say about
Parental Glidance! And you probably don't care, because you watched it with the Canadians two weeks ago :P But I just watched it this weekend, so here we go! First, Dash's parents were great, but I don't like that they never learned any sort of lesson: I mean, we've
seen the kind of neurotic mess that they created by stifling their daughter's ability to distinguish legitimate praise from mindless acceptance, and the ridiculous lengths Dash goes to because she keeps seeking genuine, meaningful recognition, yet is unable to see it for what it is when presented to her. I mean seriously, Dash is my favorite main-six pony, but she's got
issues, and we finally find out why... and the only lesson at the end is "this is fine?" Don't get me wrong, I'm no advocate of Tiger Mom-ism, but
come on.\
Second, and more importantly, Carrot Top!
What, did you think I wouldn't notice Carrot Top sitting third from the left, top row? I'VE GOT EYES LIKE A STEEL TRAP. As you can see, she's in literally the cheapest seats at the show; she assumed that, because it was a matinee, attendance would be sparse and she'd be able to move down to a better seat. She was half-right; there were plenty of empty spots in the "gold" and "diamond" seating areas, but it turns out the Sugarcube Corner Skyline® at Hayburger Stadium® had recently instituted a new PSL policy that allows season ticket-holders to hold and sell their paid-for spaces through the Wonderbolts' resale front for a small commission. The upshot? Carrot Top could've moved down a few rows... but only if she wanted to cough up an extra 80 bits. Oh well; at least she wasn't sitting behind anyone wearing a ridiculously large hat this time.
Plus, she was able to get a signature from the Wonderbolts' newest member! And it only required standing in line for four hours in the blazing hot sun! Unfortunately, she didn't get quite the reaction she was expecting when she brought her "souvenir" home. "You got Rainbow Dash's signature? Rainbow Dash's?" Written Script would ask her, his confusion plain to see on his face. When Carrot Top assured him that RD's signature was going to be worth a lot someday, he shrugged. "I suppose we'd better start saving our monthly weather bills, then. You... you do remember that they're signed by the Ponyville weather manager, right? And that that manager is still Rainbow Dash?"
Carrot Top did not, in fact, remember that. But she didn't admit that she didn't remember it, which (she was pretty sure) was the important thing here.
Okay, okay. On to some reviews of fanfics! Get 'em below.