Yeah, so, no reviews today. I'll be back in business Wednesday, but this weekend's turning out to be a long one in both senses of the word for me. Yay Labor Day! Boo things that require actual effort out of Chris!
If you're looking for something to read in the meantime, well, I'm sure I don't need to remind you all that EqD is doing there
Outside Insight thing, and although the winners should be announced any day now, there are plenty of good stories in the mix. Read them all, and find out which are worth the time!
...No? Okay, lucky for you, there are a few people who've risen to the challenge. Both
Present Perfect and
InquisitorM have both taken it upon themselves to read and review every single one of the hundred-odd fics involved! In PP's words, that's "1.09
Fallouts Equestria" (I'm pretty sure that should be "
Fallout Equestrias" since "Equestria" isn't really an adjective in that title, but I'll admit that PP's way looks way classier), so if for some reason you aren't already reading either of their blog posts, go check those out. And, if you know of anyone else who's managed to review
everything, let me know and I'll toss their names up here, too!
Anyway, that oughtta keep y'all busy. I've found some good ones through the two of them--a couple I've mentioned in previous mini-reviews, and a few more will probably show up in upcoming installments--so go try their words about horsewords on for size.