Friday, July 5, 2013


No review today.  Well, I guess that technically doesn't make me a liar; I did say "90%," after all, which is hardly a guarantee.

Anyway, being too old for fireworks, I'd planned to have time to finish up Evening Flames and write a review on the fourth.  Instead, I was surprised by a few friends, who showed up at my home and dragged me out the door (only semi-metaphorically).  I spent the afternoon and evening getting a little too much sun, drinking a little too much beer, eating a lot too much red meat, and being reminded that there's no such thing as "being too old for fireworks."

I'd apologize for the delay, but in truth, I'm not sorry at all.  It's amazing to me how sometimes, your friends know what you need better than you do.  I hope that, American or no, you all had half as wonderful a Fourth of July as I did.

...Okay, okay.  This time, I'll actually guarantee that the next post is the review.  Until Monday!


  1. I was about to say you're never too old for fireworks, until I read the rest of the post. However, you apparently do need to be reminded that there's no such thing as too much red meat. Where else are you gonna get your lipoic acid?

  2. I spent it cleaning toilets and mopping floors. Then again, two-and-a-half times pay.

    1. *This being Canada Day instead

  3. I feel I must inform you that you are singlehandedly destroying Nicknack at this point, sir.

    1. Serves him right for, um... writing long stuff and appearing on an arbitrary list at a time when my reading is at a relative nadir (can you be at a "relative nadir?"). Yeah!

    2. Only if you define the domains of the graph which contains the nadir to a segment which is both continuous and differentiable.

  4. It's not that you get too old for fireworks. It's that you eventually realize that it isn't worth swatting bugs for an hour just to see them.

    1. Just trace a 3' diameter circle in the air with burning incense and BAM! No more more mosquitoes

    2. Or enter Cthulhu. There's always a risk with such ritual magics :P

  5. I always feel left out on July 4th. British people don't celebrate it for reasons that should be obvious, but most of my friends are American, so everyone's usually off having a good time. And over here the fireworks don't come out until Guy Fawkes Night, which is a November holiday.

    And November is possibly the most depressingly miserable month of the whole year; freezing cold but without the snow, back in school/college/whatever, Halloween already gone, and Christmas still nowhere in sight yet. Yeuch.

    Still though, my July 4th was alright. An average day isn't really a bad one. Hope you all had a good time yesterday too.

  6. If not for the beer and red meat, this post would fit perfectly into an episode of MLP as a friendship report.

    1. I have it on the authority of not one, but TWO country musicians that equines love beer. They probably prefer white meat over red, though

    2. Cider and hot dogs are both canon; that's pretty close, I should think.

    3. I actually didn't know about alcoholic cider before that episode. Never been much of a drinker - though I love me some Amaretto Sours!

    4. I didn't know about non-alcoholic cider until this episode; imagine how it looked to me.

    5. Like a waste of apples? Now I'm imagining how different my childhood might've been should that not've existed, specifically the first grade when cider makers came to my school. I doubt I'd remember it

    6. More like I had to have it explained to me that they weren't all closet alcoholics. Try watching it on the assumption that cider = booze.
