Friday, July 29, 2016

Holding... Holding... Holding...

Okay, if you're seeing this post, it means that I don't have my Project: Horizons review ready yet.  If that's the case, this is my plan:

1) Finish reading the story Thursday night, even if it takes me until the sun rises (my best guess is it will actually take until around 3 am, depending on how many distractions I face).

2) Go to bed, and have a nice, peaceful night of rest, satisfied in the knowledge that my reading is done (until I start in on the next Fandom Classic).

3) When I wake up, I will have my coffee, go for a walk, and then start working on my review.  I'll take my time, let it sit, come back to it, and get it right, because there's no way in hell I'm going to invest this much reading time into something only to start half-assing it in the home stretch.

4) But no matter what, that review is coming out Friday.  Because four weeks is enough for any fic, no matter how ridiculously long. This ends TODAY!  Review Friday, then new episode over the weekend.  It's gonna be a pony couple of days.


  1. "1) Finish reading the story Thursday night, even if it takes me until the sun rises (my best guess is it will actually take until around 3 am, depending on how many distractions I face)."

    Heh. Cut Thursday and replace with something Friday-Sunday and, I've been there more than a few times on this one and its predecessor (granted, on release rather than backlog). Good luck and godspeed. Hope you do better on the distraction front than I tend to.

    1. Exactly. Even if at the end of the run I would let a few chapters build up before diving into them all at once.
