Yup, Sunday marked the start of preliminary-round voting for the latest minific contest:
The Best Medicine. If you're interested in reading a few but 101 minifics (!) seems too daunting, take heart: this is the preliminary round, which means you only need to read and vote for 14 stories in a set. At less than or equal to 750 words a pop, that doesn't sound so intimidating, does it?
And let me tell you, there are some real gems in there. You can read my comments on the stories I've read so far
here, but even if you don't bother with anything else, you owe it to yourself to check out
A Crown for the Princess Twilight Sparkle, which contains both poetic excellence and a heck of a punch, and
4th District Court, Canterlot, 11:35 a.m., which is absolutely hilarious. And that's just from the set I read!
And, of course, there's a story from me in there. Good luck finding it; 101 stories gives it a
lot of room to hide. Anyway, if you decide to read a few stories, and then further decide you'd like to offer some reviews, the thread to do so in is
here; have fun with it!