Yesterday, I tried to sit down and start reading
Solar Flare, but I couldn't seem to get myself to focus. I don't want to half-ass a story that I review (and I assume you all don't want me to, either), so I got up and did a few chores to let my head get itself on straight. When I came back, I tried again, but still just didn't
want to read it. So I went for a bike ride, tuckered myself out, and after coming home... I
still couldn't get myself interested in starting this story. So, the obvious things having been attempted, I had me a good think and tried to figure out why I was feeling so apathetic.
Was I burned out on ponyfiction? No, that wasn't it--it was reading critically and reviewing that I didn't feel like doing, specifically. Was writing review after review becoming monotonous? Not really; I always seem to find at least one or two different (i.e. not what was in the review previous) things to talk about for every story. Then what?
Finally I realized: I wanted to do a little writing of my own.
Despite the fact that I haven't "published" any new fanfics in months, I
do still write pony fiction from time to time. I just tend to place it behind these reviews on the list of pony-related things to do. And normally, that's fine; I like reading and reviewing stories (why else would I do it?), and frankly, I'm probably more skilled at that than I am as an author. But I like to write too, and I haven't been doing very much of it lately. In fact, I haven't done any creative writing at all since I got back from vacation.
Well, now's the time to fix that. I had an idea that I sketched out shortly before I left on vacation, and it's been niggling at me for more than a month now. So by cracky, I'm going to take a stab at writing it
now, and not wait until some nebulous "later." I've got a few completely free days right now in which to pound out some words, and that's exactly what I intend to do. And once I've done that, then I think I'll be able to go get some reviewing done without wishing I was doing something else.
So. Review Monday. But for now, I write.