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Six people sent in reviews of this story! Six! Here I thought I'd be lucky to get one, and instead it's a half dozen. Clearly, I underestimated the siren call of anonymous unpaid internet labor.
Of course, this raises the question of how best to post six complete story reviews. I want to post them in a format that encourages visitors to read them all, or failing that, at least in a format that doesn't actually reward people for reading one and skipping the rest. And I want the presentation to be interesting to read in its own right. To that end, I've decided to split this up into two posts.
Interestingly, half of the people who wrote a review started their introduction with some variation of "I hated these stories when I was a kid, but I'll give this a try." I say it's interesting because I have always found CYOAs to be a great way to get kids, especially boys, to read. A lot of children who "hate reading" will nevertheless dive right into these kinds of stories, and show genuine interest in the fate of their alter-ego. So I'm a little surprised that so many folks seem to have had such bad experiences with them growing up.
In any case, I've decided to save those three for the moment, and begin with the reviews by people who had a more positive/neutral attitude towards the genre. The three CYOA skeptics I'll put in post that's going up tomorrow, so make sure you check what they have to say as well. I split them up this way because I think it's interesting to compare how the different attitudes towards the genre influenced their impressions.
Speaking of comparing, I'm going to present the three reviews that are being posted today by section, rather than by author: I'll give everyone's
Impressions before reading, then summary, etc. I'm doing it this way rather than just tossing up each author's review in order for two reasons: first, I think it's interesting to compare side-by-side what each of the reviewers had to say, and to see what similarities (and differences) of opinion they had. Second, I hope it will encourage people to read the entire post, rather than just getting one reviewer's take and skipping the rest. It's not manipulative if I tell you why I'm doing it, right?
So, without further ado, the first three reviews of
The Purloined Pony. All after the break, as always.