
Friday, August 7, 2015

Another Story In Which Chris Played an Ancillary Role

Almost a year and a half ago, Jetfire returned to the fandom after a long semi-hiatus, and brought with him the first few chapters of what would turn out to be a 230,000 word, sprawling sequel to his best-known work It's a Dangerous Business, Going Out Your Door (which I reviewed back here)... and asked if anyone would be interested in looking over his stuff.  I messaged him some notes on what he'd published so far, and since then, have been pre-reading for him.  Yesterday, the last two chapters of that story were published, and Besides the Will of Evil was finally completed.

It's been an interesting journey, to say the least.  Where Dangerous Business was primarily done in the style of Tolkien, Will draws on multiple sources for its literary inspiration.  The result is a darker, earthier story--but one which nevertheless centers itself around the same morals and worldview as Dangerous Business did.  It's epic fantasy in the traditional sense of the phrase, and if you've been reading my reviews for a while, you know that plays to my tastes.

If that sounds like your sort of thing, go ahead and give this now-officially-finished story a try!  I know a lot of people like to wait for their fics to be completed before diving in, so consider this your notice that now's the time.  And if you do decide to check it out, then when you get to some particularly powerful passage... well, odds are I didn't have anything to do with it, specifically.  But hopefully you enjoy, anyway!


  1. I know when ancillary can be used, but I never knew what its original meaning was (when I started writing I learned that a lot of words were like that for me), so I looked it up.

    Ancillary: from the Latin ancillaris; having the status of a female slave. Hahahaha. That makes the title of this post much more entertaining to me :)

    As for the story, I never read the first one, and 230,000 words seems like an awful lot to take on for a pony fanfic. I've never understood why so many people put so much work into fanfiction instead of just writing their own stuff (apparently the longest continuous story is a fanfic about Super Smash Bros. that's, like, 4,000,000 words or something), but I guess if you've got it you might as well publish it instead of... not.

    That being said, congratulations nonetheless to Jetfire for accomplishing the task! I may not read it, but the effort and dedication required to properly complete something like that is always commendable by me. Props to you, and may you gain many more props in your writings to come.

    1. So what you're imagining is Chris in a slave Leia costume, clinging to Jetfire's leg?

    2. Still don't know what Chris looks like, so until proven otherwise, he's a clean-shaven Jared Leto. It's the only way this is going to work for me :p

    3. Actually, I... no, you know what? Fine. Let's just go with "clean-shaven Jared Leto in a slave Leia costume," goodness knows it'll only go downhill from there if I encourage you guys.

    4. What ancillary role will Chris play next? Tune in again, same blog time, same blog channel to find out!

    5. The slave Leia costume sounds spot-on for Chris, and I don't think any rational human being would disagree on that, but a Chris with long hair just sounds wrong.

  2. I was wondering what had prompted you to start that new library shelf for fics you'd edited. Now I know.

    1. I needed to move it off my "tracking" list since it was complete, and didn't have another good place to put it. And of course, as soon as I thought about making an "edited by" shelf, I couldn't figure out why I hadn't had one from the smart.

      I'm not one for coming up with good ideas in a timely fashion.

    2. Because your shelves were full of carrots?

  3. "The result is a darker, earthier story--but one which nevertheless centers itself around the same morals and worldview as Dangerous Business did."

    So I'll definitely loathe it then :P

    1. WARNING: The preceding post may contain links to material that is NSFS (Not Safe For Scott). Reader discretion is advised.

    2. I have a flamethrower.

      Purge the heretic!

    3. I think Not Safe FROM Scott would be more apt for stories like these.

  4. This is a case of perfect timing! I'm off on a long business trip that will ultimately require more travel time than actual work, so I've downloaded this to my kindle, put a couple of extra power packs in my messenger bag, and am actually looking forward to sitting around in crappy little airports for an extended amount of time!

  5. Been reading along with it, enjoyed it.
