
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Reviews for Dinner Sometime Soon, Schmai-Gunug Willing

Although I've read some things I could, theoretically, post about (not the least of them my next scheduled review), I've just gotten back from caucuses and my brain is dead.  I think voting's one of the most fundamental civic duties (if you aren't already registered to vote, it's never too early!), and I'm happy to play my part in a participatory democracy by doing my part to see that the candidates and issues which end up on the ballot are ones I can support... but I'm still bushed.  Off-year elections do that to you.

If you're looking for some reviews to read, go check out The Royal Guard's first fic spotlight.  They've got fifteen fic recommendations covering a variety of genres, so hopefully you can find something there which catches your eye--I know I've added a few to my to-read list, and I'd only read one beforehand.  

In any case, I'll have a normal review come Friday.  Boffo.


  1. No, you're not convincing me to take recommendations from any more reviewers. Between you and the Royal Canterlot Library, I have more than enough reading material. I do wish Royal Guard the best, though. Please don't take it personally!

    1. The Royal Guard doesn't do reviews. They're just a recommendation service, kind of like EqD in a way.

    2. Ah, Chris' sentence (and previous post regarding them) was misleading. Still got plenty to read, though

  2. Boffo? What!? There's no way...
    *looks that up*
    Wow... damn... hm...

    Still holding to the claim that you don't do this on purpose, eh?
    No. No! I refuse to be played like this! I'll show you!

    Word of the Day: The.

    1. Concluding with "boffo" is a reference to the same book as the title of this post (references, that is). Though I suppose I'm probably the only person here who's read it, which may take the humor out of it for the rest of you...

    2. Curse you, Chris, and your reasonable explanations.
      Can't I just wrongly accuse you in peace?

      To vent my frustration, I'mma shore up a school of fish puns!
      PresentPerfect might want to cast away, these puns could krill him.

  3. Curse you, you're strangling all the good kittens!
