
Wednesday, January 2, 2013


So, Shipping and Handling is a fairly long story, I'm still reading it, yadda yadda.  I should have a review ready by Friday.  Good news, though: after next week, I should have a lot more time for fanfic than I have the last couple of months, so expect to see a better review/other stuff ratio out of me in the near future.

In the meantime, I invite you to fill the void my lack of reviewing no doubt leaves in your life by hopping on FIMFiction and doing a search for "I hate Equestria Daily," "EqD sucks," or anything else of the sort.  Great way to find terribly comical rants, if you find such things funny.  Here's a particularly amusing one to get you started:

I am starting ot despise the people at EqD right now...They have denied my fanfic not once...but twice! They are some of the stuck up snobs I have ever laid my eyes on. The worst possible thing about this is I worked REAL hard on my fanfic and they deny it? That's bullsh!t! They need a freakin reality check. Not every fanfic has to be like Rainbow Factory, My Little Dashie, or Cupcakes! Geez! I have lost all faith in EqD and I shall never go there again! >:(

I would offer a quote from one of the author's stories, but that would amount to shooting fish in a barrel.  In any case, I think it's actually funnier devoid of any context; it lets you dismiss the relative merits of the story, and focus on the hilarious over-the-top histrionics as entertainment in and of itself.

Until Friday!


  1. It's been too long since I've read those. What's amazing to me is how much better the writing is in the rants than in the stories themselves!

    How, after reading even some of the stories featured here, anyone can claim EqD's standards are too high is beyond me. There's something terribly wrong with that sentence, but my brain can't function right now

  2. Ooh, Purloined Pony got a mention here. I'm loving Alexstrazsa's replies to Kirb Hysteria! XD

  3. They need a freakin reality check. Not every fanfic has to be like Rainbow Factory, My Little Dashie, or Cupcakes!


    1. dunt u kno dose r d beest famnfix in da famdum!??!

      The best part is at one point, the I Hate Equestria Daily group consisted primarily of pre-readers. Like, all of them. Laughs were had.

    2. Knowing that I've read two of those stories makes me feel gross. Yet that isn't stopping me from looking for Payback for Insolence. I think I may be a masochist

    3. I try to pretend I'm a good person most of the time, but I freaking LOST IT when I read that sentence. That's the funniest thing I've seen in days.

  4. What's really funny about that statement (besides the person's taste in fanfics) is that Rainbow Factory never got on EQD, and Cupcakes only got on because people kept asking Seth to put it on. From what I've heard, even My Little Dashie only made it on with some reluctance from the pre-readers.

  5. I love those rants too. They're always full of such self entitlement and almost wilful ignorance.

    Oats is right. Equestria Daily has no such high standards. It's really not difficult to get on there. You just have to follow their rules, have half decent grammar and impress one random person out of a selection of pre-readers. Anyone can do it, really.

    Of course, when you exclusively write porn and self inserts, it's very easy to point at the people producing actual quality content and cry elitism as the reason people don't want to read your work. Everyone wants to be a victim.

    1. There's a problem with the last part: Impress one of the pre-readers at random. What one pre-reader might pass others might deny for some really arbitrary reasons.

    2. You misunderstand. I wasn't implying anything by that. I was just saying that a random pre-reader would go over your work and that you'd have to impress them. If you got that I was implying that pre-readers have massively different standards then I apologise for not being clearer.

  6. Completely unrelated to this discussion: I finally made a trip to the library and picked up Storm Front. Loved the author's notes, as he mentioned Lloyd Alexander, a personal favorite. The quote on the back was from one Chris Bunch. I know Chris is a common name (it's mine too), but I've decided it's you. Don't refute my headcanon!

  7. Another common complaint from people in that group.

    The PR said he only read chapter 1! How can he evaluate how good it is if he didn't read the whole thing?

    Yeah. The PRs are going to pass a fic that's perfect except for an atrocious first chapter. Let me know when that happens.

  8. I dunno... I personally think that the pre-readers are a bunch of snobs who need a reality check. It's like they don't even care about good stories.

    1. Yeah! I bet the prereader, didn't learn enough to talk about, anything else, except the grammars and was just looking for a things to be anus about. They can't find, anything good to say DONT SAY IT!

    2. exactly! they dont even care about the story's that make you go daawww and shed manly tears! :flutterrage:

    3. Not sure if serious.

    4. When is a Sessalisk ever not serious. If they prereader want to be taken serious too, they need to learn to actual read the story's! When I read MLD I shed manly tears and need to fap all at the same time and prereaders should know that THIS IS A GOOD FEEL! Why cant they see when a feel is a good one like that and stop getting so obsessed over a story being GOOD when there already good!? :applejackangry:

    5. Sessalisk, can I marry you?

      Unless you are not a woman that is. Gay marriage is not legal in my state.

    6. Little known fact: my ratings for a fic are actually the number of times I clopped while reading, making their correlation with Chris' ratings a little scary

      Present, Sessalisk is more of a supernatural being not possessing normal human anatomy. However, her avatar does resemble a woman in many respects. Also, I feel the need to direct you to this little piece of literature

    7. Now I know more about Henry David Thoreau! :O

    8. This would make it only my second marriage proposal this month, and it's already the sixth! I must be getting old and unattractive.


      (You'll probably think I'm joking, but an old friend of mine legit proposed to me a few days ago because he wants to become a Canadian citizen! He offered to pay my rent for the next three years in exchange. X))

    9. Haha! XD Well, you are pretty awesome.

    10. <3 We can start up a big poly family together!
